While I try to highlight great student moments, from time to time I need to mention some of the realities of teaching. After the amazing field trip Monday, I returned to school on Tuesday to find my classroom door damaged to the point of needing to be replaced. It appeared that someone tried to open the door and used enough force to break the entire lock mechanism and leaving a hole where it once was. Students often try to break into my classroom by aggressively shaking the door, slamming into it, or kicking it, and this time, the student succeeded. I entered my classroom fearing what I might find. I imagined my things stolen and classroom vandalized. However, I

found that although my things had been moved around, nothing major was missing. The vandal also left a gift: a cut cardboard heart painted red. Next to the cardboard heart was a piece of paper where the student smeared red paint from the heart and wrote their name: Nobody. Lastly, the brush the student used to paint the heart was washed and placed in the sink. It was a strange find. As there is a camera facing my classroom door, I hope the vandals get caught. In the meantime, I have the heart displayed in my classroom.
So weird. Definitely let us know if you find out.