Thursday, June 26, 2014

Final Free Minds

Look at that crowd!
Tuesday was my last Write Night as Volunteer Coordinator at Free Minds. We had a spectacular turn out at our new GW location. Over the past 2+ years, I've seen Write Night morph from 8 friends in a church kitchen writing feedback on poems to over 50 people in a university lecture hall and a database of over 600 volunteers.  The feedback our volunteers write to our poets gives them concrete evidence that they have a support system (no matter how small, distant or different they may be) who believe that they can contribute positively to the community. 

While I think everything Free Minds does is wonderful, I've been most impressed by their relatively new initiative of hiring their members who have returned to the community to do outreach and violence prevention with youth (often like themselves) that are most vulnerable to getting swept up in the system. We need more programs like this!!!

Free Minds family

Tara, the co-founder and executive director, made me promise in front of all 50 volunteers that I would bring Free Minds to Ohio. Cincinnati, ya ready? 

New volunteer coordinator Seana, me and the amazing (and crazy!) Tara.

Monday, June 23, 2014


This is my favorite artwork by Philadelphia born artist David Guinn.
This weekend I took a much overdue trip to Philadelphia. Philly is such a cool city, I had an amazing time touring murals, seeing museums and making random friends along the way. 

Did you know Philly has over 3400 murals? The Mural Arts Program is the largest public art program in the country. Better yet many (not all) of the murals engage in social justice, promoting themes of equality and painted by incarcerated individuals and other marginalized groups. Here are some more photos

And no trip would be complete without seeing the Rodin Museum and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. 
Can you spot the Mondrian? Hint: there is only one.